How long will my order take?
Orders will all vary in how long they take depending on the detail of the design. They may take anywhere between 2 days to a week to be shipped. Then the delivery you choose at checkout will determin the delivery length once shipped.
If you order an already made piece, this will be able to be shipped off by the next day. However, custom orders are made to order and therefore will take time to create. Please bare this in mind when ordering.
If you are providing your own piece, this will be the longest option, however, the cheapest. this will take longer due to needing to be shipped to the business before and painting can begin.
Returns and refunds
We currently offer no refunds. However, returns are available if there is a fault with the product on recieval. In the case you would like to make a return, please use the contact page where I can get back to you with more details as I may be able to fix any issues.
Can't see a payment method you like?
Please use the contact page to let us know and we can do our best to work around any issues with payments.